Analytic art: Weaving unique forms rhythm, through balance and order

Ceci Arango is a Colombian industrial designer from Javeriana University in Bogotá, with two Masters: Design Direction from Domus Academy in Milan and Visual and Plastic Arts from National University of Colombia. She has specialized in the projection in the contemporary world of the ancestral cultures of Colombia and the world generally undervalued by currents of Western thought. Arango examines contemporary society through her prospective view, that has its roots in her admiration and learnings from ancient cultures of the world like indigenous, afro descendants and peasants of her country Colombia and eastern civilizations like Japan and Korea, among others.
The message is to make the viewer analyze the inside of each society, sometimes the opposite point of view of the other or the unknown, a complex problem that can be understood. Then perhaps be able to avoid the many causes that ultimately lead to war without regard to its deeper causes. There are more things in common than differences.
Combining these elements ensures an outcome to be appreciated not only with the eyes but also with the heart & and mind, fundamentally changing the cause. The weaving of multiple braids is a language that goes beyond a technique, to a concept in which expresses the need for interlacing the differences in a common living. The twisting of the braids also expresses the need to understand the otherness and cylindrical forms are like sights, not of guns meant for war but instead to see the opposite side of appearance. The artist plays with the politics of the object.
Arango´s project is sculpture in aluminum and bronze weaving as a cutting-edge contemporary art medium that can be seen with fluid, dynamic and motion. A memorial sculpture design with artistic and cultural considerations promotes justice and reconciliation of past human rights abuses in nations throughout Latin America.
“Repopulate” in Latin America is a mix of cultures discriminated against and poor separation of ethnicities but the wealth of its own culture. “Synergy” we are one country and one region. If we complemented each other in synergy, we took from each other what is of the common
good. “Moebius,” we judge peace processes and war itself, but situations are not always on our side. The mathematician Moebius tape has no defined side. “Equity Viewer”. What is seen on the outside, mostly the coldness of economic privileges is contrary to what is seen on the inside, which is the warmth of human spirituality and richness. “Situation viewer” peace must be looked at from different points of view.
“We must ask ourselves what we do for Peace from our status”. It is an idealistic sight of peace, but it is what Ceci Arango experiences with the artisans in their daily work.

Cel: 57- 3102995680