Veronica Matíz

Verónica Matiz, a renowned Colombian artist, masterfully intertwines nature’s essence with modern art’s boldness through her striking metal sculptures…

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Tatiz Cala

Tatiz Cala is a renowned sculptor, she has the power of passion and dedication, transforming simple blocks of white marble into profound statements of human emotion and natural…

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Aira Henao

Aira Henao’s art is a beacon of hope and resilience, offering a path to healing through the meticulous reconfiguration of trauma into something transcendent.

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Ceci Arango

Ceci Arango is a Colombian industrial designer from Javeriana University in Bogotá, with two Masters: Design Direction from Domus Academy in Milan and Visual and Plastic Arts …

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Ángela Castro Fénix

Ángela Castro Fénix is a Colombian artist who works with glass as her primary medium, exploring its unique aesthetic properties of reflectiveness

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Marcela Sinclair

Marcela Sinclair is an Argentinian artist whose work spans a variety of media, including painting, drawing, collage, and sculpture. Her work is known

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Mateo López

Mateo López is a Colombian artist whose work often involves storytelling and personal narratives and blurring the boundaries between the creation

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