“Contemporary art” is also a broad term and usually imprecise term. Thus, LatamArt will distinguish “contemporary art” from “modern art” based on the ending of the latter, which happened around the time Conceptual art began in the late 1960s. Notably, the late 1960s was the time when the “modern art” “isms” -e.g., Cubism, Expressionism, and Fauvism- that designated groups of artists united by style, ideology, and, usually social, and professional ties gave way to broader thematic categories, traditionally determined by the critics.

Beatriz Consuelo de Muriel

Beatriz Consuelo de Muriel is a dynamic and visionary photographic artist known for her unique ability to capture marvelous moments during her global travels.

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Ana Consuelo Suarez

Suarez masterfully combines Impressionist and Abstract styles to capture light, emotion, and the natural world’s vitality. Her work is full of energy, drama…

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Veronica Matíz

Verónica Matiz, a renowned Colombian artist, masterfully intertwines nature’s essence with modern art’s boldness through her striking metal sculptures…

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Guillermo Romero

Guillermo Romero is transforming traditional art with his groundbreaking exploration of fractals. This Colombian artist delves into the interplay between art, science…

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Tatiz Cala

Tatiz Cala is a renowned sculptor, she has the power of passion and dedication, transforming simple blocks of white marble into profound statements of human emotion and natural…

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Mario Calvachi

Mario Calvachi, a distinguished Colombian artist, captivates the art world with his evocative black-and-white abstract paintings. His work, characterized by its expressive style…

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María Teresa Hernández

Maria Teresa Hernandez’s work is characterized by dreamlike and enigmatic paintings that convey a message of romantic dramas and events that inhabit the time

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Alejandro Drexler

Alejandro Drexler is the creator of ArtInf. Influencing Ar, a celebration of life and happiness, the most vibrant digital artwork. He uses digital media to capture every day’s …

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Aira Henao

Aira Henao’s art is a beacon of hope and resilience, offering a path to healing through the meticulous reconfiguration of trauma into something transcendent.

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Angela Castro

Angela Castro’s emotional and transparent watercolor paintings seem to disappear into a spectrum of colors with the essence of the femininity in its many facets.

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Diego Sierra Enciso

Diego Sierra uses a series of mixed techniques in a form of conquest to guide the drip according to the needs. It is a gesture like life, which reminds us that we are a little boat.

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Lucía Dälél

Lucía Dälél is a watercolor landscape artist whose work celebrates the beauty and tranquility of nature through light and atmosphere. Her paintings,

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Patricia Esguerra

Patricia Esguerra is a Colombian artist known for her abstract compositions that combine landscape and gestural applications of gold leaf and acrylic paint.

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María Panesso

María Esther Panesso is a visionary artist from Bogota, Colombia, who paints original portraits using oil and acrylic paints on abstract backgrounds.

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Lydia Rubio

Lydia Rubio was born in Havana, Cuba, her artwork appears modern and abstract, showing a composition that includes painted elements, what appears to be a three-dimensional or…

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Jorge Ortiz Tinoco

Jorge Tinoco’s work as an artist and architect is focused on bringing attention to commonly ignored perceptions within the human experience. His artwork

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Pablo Zapata

Pablo Zapata is a Colombian artist whose vibrant work seeks to create a unique, self-reflective perspective-engaging moment for the viewer. His use of color

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Ceci Arango

Ceci Arango is a Colombian industrial designer from Javeriana University in Bogotá, with two Masters: Design Direction from Domus Academy in Milan and Visual and Plastic Arts …

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Sara Infante

Sara Infante is a contemporary artist born in Colombia, whose work reflects our everyday emotions and expressions. Her work presents characteristics associated with…

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Daniza Jurin

Daniza Jurin is a Honduran-born Colombian artist and architect whose acrylic-on-canvas creations effortlessly breathe life into the subjects and objects they depict.

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María Isabel de Lince

María Isabel de Lince’s abstract oil paintings offer a unique blend of natural landscapes and personal experience. She explores the earth, water, and sky

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Lillian Espinosa

Lillian Espinosa’s paintings are not only a celebration of the exuberance of colors found in the Caribbean but also a representation of its cultural and historical roots.

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Daniel Borda

Daniel Borda’s work can be described as a unique blend of realism and surrealism. Through his “Homages” series, Borda recreates famous paintings

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Magali Reales

Magali Reales is a Colombian contemporary artist specializing in experimenting with the object-viewer relationship, exploring different possibilities

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Carlos Lersundy

Carlos Lersundy’s artwork reflects his interest in exploring the relationship between technology and traditional artistic mediums. He uses new technologies

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Andrés Santo Domingo

Andres Santodomingo is a highly skilled contemporary artist who has devoted over 30 years to perfecting his craft. His work combines stillness and motion

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Lorena Rosas

Lorena Rosas is a contemporary artist whose work explores femininity and the relationships between women and nature. Her work is characterized by a delicate

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Ángela Castro Fénix

Ángela Castro Fénix is a Colombian artist who works with glass as her primary medium, exploring its unique aesthetic properties of reflectiveness

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Omar Guio

Omar Guio is a Colombian artist whose work captures the complexity of narrative concepts in modern cityscapes through motion. He uses Impressionism

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Alfredo Jaar

Alfredo Jaar is a Chilean artist, architect, and filmmaker who creates installations, photographs, and other visual works exploring social and political injustice.

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Marcela Sinclair

Marcela Sinclair is an Argentinian artist whose work spans a variety of media, including painting, drawing, collage, and sculpture. Her work is known

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Mateo López

Mateo López is a Colombian artist whose work often involves storytelling and personal narratives and blurring the boundaries between the creation

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