

Vejarano’s art is an immersive exploration of the profound connections between the human spirit and the wondrous allure of nature. On display at the prestigious Sexante Gallery in Bogota, his latest collection is a testament to his remarkable ability to capture the ethereal beauty of the natural world, mainly the captivating landscapes of the Colombian Caribbean, such as Taganga. Vejarano skillfully intertwines the tangible with the emotional, presenting viewers with a vibrant, moving sea that dances across the canvas, echoing life’s tumultuous and serene moments.

What sets Vejarano apart is his subject matter and the method through which he communicates his vision. His approach to painting is deeply philosophical, always aiming to deform reality’s sharp edges with the smooth, flowing rhythms of the sea. Vejarano invites us to see beyond the horizon, to perceive the world not as it is but as it could be—more vibrant, fluid, and infinitely more beautiful.

His command of color and texture is exceptional, manifesting most vividly in his abstract landscapes that dwell in the magical hour of twilight. Vejarano plays with abstract forms that hint at the sky, clouds, and earth, employing a palette that shifts from the soft pastels of dawn to the fiery oranges and pinks of sunset. His strokes’ deliberate thickness and texture add a tactile quality to his work, making each painting a visual and sensory experience.

The interplay of light and shadow in Vejarano’s paintings is another notable aspect of his style. He masterfully captures the fleeting moments of day turning to night, where the natural light shifts subtly and shadows grow long and mysterious. This emphasis on the transient nature of light adds depth and contemplation to his work, prompting viewers to reflect on the passage of time and the fleeting beauty of the world around us.

Gustavo Vejarano’s artistry does not conform to the rigid boundaries of realism. Instead, he embarks on a creative journey that blurs the lines between the real and the imagined, the concrete and the abstract. Through his vivid canvases, he explores art’s dynamic and expressive power, conveying feelings of awe, tranquility, and introspection.

As his exhibition unfolds at the Sexante Gallery, it’s clear that Vejarano is not just showcasing his mastery over the brush but is inviting us on a reflective journey. A journey that traverses the rugged terrain of the external landscape and delves deep into the internal landscapes of our emotions and thoughts.

pie de foto Gustavo Vejarano”-Tropical Sunset 8- Mixed on canvas- 2021