Lydia Rubio

Lydia Rubio was born in Havana, Cuba, her artwork appears modern and abstract, showing a composition that includes painted elements, what appears to be a three-dimensional or…

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Jorge Ortiz Tinoco

Jorge Tinoco’s work as an artist and architect is focused on bringing attention to commonly ignored perceptions within the human experience. His artwork

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Pablo Zapata

Pablo Zapata is a Colombian artist whose vibrant work seeks to create a unique, self-reflective perspective-engaging moment for the viewer. His use of color

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Sara Infante

Sara Infante is a contemporary artist born in Colombia, whose work reflects our everyday emotions and expressions. Her work presents characteristics associated with…

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Daniza Jurin

Daniza Jurin is a Honduran-born Colombian artist and architect whose acrylic-on-canvas creations effortlessly breathe life into the subjects and objects they depict.

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María Isabel de Lince

María Isabel de Lince’s abstract oil paintings offer a unique blend of natural landscapes and personal experience. She explores the earth, water, and sky

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Lillian Espinosa

Lillian Espinosa’s paintings are not only a celebration of the exuberance of colors found in the Caribbean but also a representation of its cultural and historical roots.

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Daniel Borda

Daniel Borda’s work can be described as a unique blend of realism and surrealism. Through his “Homages” series, Borda recreates famous paintings

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Magali Reales

Magali Reales is a Colombian contemporary artist specializing in experimenting with the object-viewer relationship, exploring different possibilities

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Andrés Santo Domingo

Andres Santodomingo is a highly skilled contemporary artist who has devoted over 30 years to perfecting his craft. His work combines stillness and motion

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