Beatriz Consuelo de Muriel

Beatriz Consuelo de Muriel is a dynamic and visionary photographic artist known for her unique ability to capture marvelous moments during her global travels.

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Ana Consuelo Suarez

Suarez masterfully combines Impressionist and Abstract styles to capture light, emotion, and the natural world’s vitality. Her work is full of energy, drama…

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Veronica Matíz

Verónica Matiz, a renowned Colombian artist, masterfully intertwines nature’s essence with modern art’s boldness through her striking metal sculptures…

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Guillermo Romero

Guillermo Romero is transforming traditional art with his groundbreaking exploration of fractals. This Colombian artist delves into the interplay between art, science…

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Tatiz Cala

Tatiz Cala is a renowned sculptor, she has the power of passion and dedication, transforming simple blocks of white marble into profound statements of human emotion and natural…

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Mario Calvachi

Mario Calvachi, a distinguished Colombian artist, captivates the art world with his evocative black-and-white abstract paintings. His work, characterized by its expressive style…

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María Teresa Hernández

Maria Teresa Hernandez’s work is characterized by dreamlike and enigmatic paintings that convey a message of romantic dramas and events that inhabit the time

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Alejandro Drexler

Alejandro Drexler is the creator of ArtInf. Influencing Ar, a celebration of life and happiness, the most vibrant digital artwork. He uses digital media to capture every day’s …

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Aira Henao

Aira Henao’s art is a beacon of hope and resilience, offering a path to healing through the meticulous reconfiguration of trauma into something transcendent.

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Angela Castro

Angela Castro’s emotional and transparent watercolor paintings seem to disappear into a spectrum of colors with the essence of the femininity in its many facets.

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